
(包含本人及幼兒)最多限報 50 名



  • 選擇參觀日期及場次(上午入場亦可參觀至下午閉園前)。
  • 填寫基本資料:代表人姓名、電子郵件(同一場次每一電子郵件帳號限預約1次)、預約參觀人數(上限50人)。
  • 預約截止時間:上午場至當日11時59分前、下午場至當日15時59分前。
  • 預約成功後可透過本系統查詢、修改參觀人數或取消,如欲更換場次,請取消後再重新預約。
  • 預約系統僅供預約入園資格使用,不會要求事先購票付款,請於預約參觀日至售票處購票。
  • 電子信箱注意事項:
    • 1.請提供有效的帳號,避免無法收到回覆確認信。(入園時提供確認信,以利入園)
    • 2.若帳號因錯誤、信箱滿了、擋信或無效帳號等,無法收到回覆確認信,亦不提供補送。
    • 3.若您預約人數超過50人時,請用另一組電子郵件帳號重新申請。(以此類推)
  • 自2022年1月30日(星期日)起至2月14日(星期一)止,因配合市府教育局入園採用預約制,每日遊客入園參觀上限為16,000人。(分上午、下午場次各8,000人。)進入已開放的室內館必須實聯制及人流管制,造成不便敬請見諒。

為因應疫情期間, 自2022年2月15日起, 取消「入園預約制」(不用線上預約申請, 直接來園無人數限制, 依防疫實聯制作業處理),原已申請預約入園場次,將獲得保障,仍可憑原申請確認信優先入園,不影響遊客權益。

Reservation process:

  • Choose the date and time of the visit.(Choose the morning section can also be visited until the afternoon.)
  • Fill in the basic information: name, email (each email account only once reservation for the same section), and the number of visitors (up to 50 people).
  • Reservation deadline: the morning section before 11 o'clock on the day, and the afternoon section before 15 o'clock on the day.
  • After the reservation is successful, you can check, modify the number of visitors or cancel through this system. If you want to change another session, please cancel and make a new reservation.
  • The reservation system is only for reservation admission qualifications, and there is no requirement to purchase tickets in advance. Please purchase tickets at the ticket office on the day of reservation.
  • From January 30 (Sunday) to February 14 (Monday), 2022, Due to the reservation system adopted by the Taipei City Government Education Bureau, the maximum number of visitors per day is 16,000. (There are 8,000 people each in the morning and afternoon sessions.) The joint system and crowd control must be implemented to enter the open indoor halls. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Due to the epidemic period, the "Admission Reservation System" has been cancelled (from February 15, 2022 [Tuesday]), Those who have already applied for an appointment to enter the zoo will be guaranteed, and they can still enter the zoo with the original application confirmation letter without affecting the rights and interests of tourists.