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A Global Movement


Wildlife Conservation Organizations

WWF 世界自然基金會 World Wildlife Fund


The WWF is one of the best known non-government conservation organizations. Through education and fundraising, the WWF promotes the conservation of genes, species, bio-diversity, and sustainable development.


In Africa, the organization has been conducting the following initiatives:


Enforcing efforts to stop poaching and the ivory trade.


Surveying elephant populations.


Reducing conflicts between humans and elephants.


Reducing the loss of elephant habitats.


Enhancing government capabilities to protect elephants.

TRAFFIC 國際野生物貿易調查組織 (Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce)


The annual illegal global wildlife trade is worth somewhere between 10 billion and 20 billion US dollars. The program’s mission is to monitor global markets with a special emphasis on illegal trade. Its tasks include analyzing market trends, identifying modes of transactions, and predicting subsequent impacts of these activities. TRAFFIC provides recommendations to governments for the protection of natural resources and stopping illegal wildlife trade through consumer advocacy.


In 1989, CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also knows as the Washington Convention), declared all ivory trade illegal.

世界自然保育聯盟 The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


This organization is made up of many government bodies and NGO’s worldwide with a mission is to protect the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure the responsible consumption of the earth’s resources in a sustainable manner. It publishes the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species that assess animals’ risks of extinction in order to promote a sense of urgency for wildlife protection and to save endangered species. At the 2016 World Conservation Congress held in Hawaii, the IUCN passed a landmark resolution demanding the ban of domestic ivory sale by every government in the world. This was the first time the organization called for an end of the legal ivory trade and an aggressive attempt to stamp out elephant poaching.


(The Agricultural Council of the Executive Yuan announced a domestic ban on sales of ivory, taking effect January 1, 2020.)


Tracking Elephants


Monitoring elephant population sizes and active territories is essential to protecting elephants in Africa. Researchers first select target elephants, usually the herd leaders and tranquilize them before attaching transponders to their necks. Researchers can then track elephant positions, migration paths, and their proximity to human populations. They can also perform counts using helicopters.


Besides conducting population counts, some organizations track and record elephant herds over the long term. In Samburu National Reserve in Kenya, researchers record elephants’ age, relationships, personalities, and conduct daily counts of elephants in the park. Elephants may enter or leave the reserve area depending on weather and changes in the environment, so not every elephant can be accounted for every day.


Sworn to Protect

有鑑於野生動物遭受盜獵而數量減少,為了保護野生動物,在非洲設有許多自然保護區,在那裡大象、犀牛、獅子、斑馬、長頸鹿都生活在一起。自然保護區的範圍涵蓋好幾個國家,除了各國的官方保護機構,還有幾個組織如北部草原保護基金會、拯救大象組織(Save the Elephant)等共同合作來保護野生動物。

With wildlife populations decreasing due to poaching, international sanctuaries have been set up across Africa where elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, zebras and giraffes coexist. These sanctuaries are maintained by organizations such as the Northern Rangelands Trust and Save the Elephant that work with government agencies.
Furthermore, to become more proactive in protecting the elephants, anti-poaching rangers patrol the reserves to protect them, working with local residents to gather news about elephants and identify suspicious human newcomers to the area. During their patrols, rangers identify poachers’ footprints and remove elephant traps. If poachers are located, rangers can often find themselves in life threatening confrontations. Ivory poaching endangers both elephants and humans and an end to poaching saves both elephants and park rangers.


The Wisdom of Elephants and Humans Living Side-by-side


The two major causes of elephant population decline are poaching and conflict with humans. As human populations grow, farms and villages encroach on areas where elephants used to roam free. Elephants follow familiar routes when they forage. It is only natural for the elephants to eat agricultural crops that pop up along the way, regardless if the crops are human properties. To protect their crops, farmers try to scare elephants away by throwing rocks, setting off firecrackers, or even firing bullets. However, these direct confrontations usually end badly for both humans and elephants. Some farmers have set up electric fences to repel advancing elephants, causing many elephants to be electrocuted. Nevertheless, many elephants can easily break through the fences using their non-conductive tusks. Fences are not effective in stopping elephants and may inadvertently kill them.


In order to reduce conflict with humans, elephant protection groups have developed “beehive fences”. Researchers have found that elephants flee the buzzing sound of bees and warn off their companions. Protection groups worked with researchers to carry out programs for bees and elephants at the same time. Protecting crops using bees reduces undesirable encounters between elephants and farmers, allowing both to coexist.


A beehive perimeter is simple to set up. Using local materials, beehive boxes are placed at 10 meter intervals and connected with strings. When an elephant bumps into a string, all connected beehives are moved. Bees fly out of their boxes in self-defense, forcing elephants to make a hasty retreat. This technique has successfully reduced confrontations with humans by 80%.

架設蜜蜂圍欄帶來的好處 :
Benefits of Beehive Fences

減少大象入侵 破壞農作物,增加農作物產量。

Reducing elephants’ destruction of crops and increasing harvests.


Increasing farm revenue from the sale of honey and beeswax products.


Reducing conflicts with elephants and improving quality of life for farmers.


Countries that have implemented the beehive fence program include Kenya, Botswana, Chad, Gabon, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Zambia, Nepal and other countries are also evaluating the viability of beehive fences.


Partnership Programs with Zoos


The World’s Smallest Elephants


The Borneo pigmy elephant is mostly found in the Malaysian state of Sabah, and with only about 1500 animals remaining is on the brink of extinction. Due to the high demand for palm oil, Borneo’s tropical rainforest is being continuously reduced to make room for palm oil plantations. Conflicts between Borneo elephants and palm farmers have become rampant. Displeased with elephants trespassing into palm plantations, farmers resort to means such as illegal traps, poison and guns to slaughter the elephants. The intensity of the slaughter has been heightened in recent years as the black market for ivory flourishes. Tusks that used to go to waste alongside elephant carcasses are now scavenged and extracted.


Elephant Protection Can’t Wait

為了要保育婆羅洲矮象,從21世紀初期起,就有一些單位,例如世界自然基金會、婆羅洲保育信託(BCT, Borneo Conservation Trust)開始透過各種方式在沙巴買地造林,想要把零碎的天然林連結成為生態廊道,好讓以婆羅洲矮象及其他物種在森林中來去,減少傷亡及人獸衝突。

Since the turn of the century, some organizations have been established to protect Borneo’s elephants. The WWF and Borneo Conservation Trust (BCT) have begun purchasing rainforest in Borneo to create eco-corridors that allow safe passage for elephants and other animals in the hopes of reducing encroachment on farms and plantations.

日本北海道旭山動物園的坂東元園長在2008年還是副園長的時候,為了想看動物園裡飼養的紅毛猩猩的故鄉及野生紅毛猩猩的現況而造訪沙巴,卻發現了婆羅洲矮象迫切需要保育的現況,於是開始與婆羅洲保育信託日本分會(BCTJ)合作報恩計畫(Ongaeshi Project),除了向企業募款以外,也在旭山動物園裡及日本各地設置了200個募款型自動販賣機,只要是在這種外面貼著報恩計畫圖像的自動販賣機買飲料等,扣掉成本以外的收入全部都會用在婆羅洲矮象的保育上面。這種自動販賣機的募款金額,平均每年在800萬日圓左右。

In 2008, the deputy director of Japan’s Asahiyama Zoo visited Sabah to study the natural habitats for orangutans. On the trip, he learned about the urgency to protect Borneo elephants, and the zoo began the Ongaeshi Project fund raising initiative in partnership with Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (BCTJ). Including a corporate donation campaign and revenue generation through vending machines, profits from 200 Ongaeshi Project vending machines inside the Asahiyama Zoo have been used for the protection of Borneo elephants, reaching an average of 8 million yen each year.

這筆基金起初先用來製造了兩個移動式欄舍,在接到通報有大象需要救傷或是移動的時候,先用這種欄舍捕捉,再直接帶去合適的地點野放。接下來則是在距離沙巴東部山打根車程大約兩小時的地區蓋了一個救傷中心(BES, Borneo Elephant Sanctuary),讓沙巴野生動物管理局有地方可以收容救傷大象加以治療、復健,以待野放回森林之日。這個救傷中心也已經在2014年9月啟用。

The fund was initially used to build two mobile fences used to capture elephants that have been injured or in need of relocation. The second initiative was the establishment in 2014 of the Borneo Elephant Sanctuary. Located 2 hours away from Sandakan (located on the east coast of the state of Sabah), the center provides accommodation and veterinary treatment for injured elephants before their release back into the wild.


Taipei City Zoo entered into a partnership agreement with Asahiyama Zoo in September 2015. A main mission of the partnership is the protection of Borneo elephants and their natural tropical rainforest habitat. Without habitat, wildlife will be left without a home.

延伸小知識 Extended knowledge

【「永續棕櫚油圓桌會議」Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil(RSPO)】

棕櫚油被廣泛運用在生活用品和食品中,棕櫚油業者為了供應龐大的需求,大規模砍伐熱帶雨林改種棕櫚田。大片的熱帶雨林被燒毀不但產生二氧化碳汙染,連帶破壞動物的棲息地。2004年世界基金會(WWF) 與AAK、Migros、馬來西亞棕櫚油協會、聯合利華共同成立了非營利組織「棕櫚油永續發展圓桌組織」(RSPO),以更嚴格的機制把關,禁止棕櫚油業者砍伐熱帶雨林,並確保棕櫚油業者負起環境與社會責任。

Palm oil is found everywhere, in applications ranging from household items to food products. In order to meet demand, the industry has been wiping out rainforests to make room for oil palm plantations. The burning of rain forest at massive scale releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and destroys natural wildlife habitats. In 2004, the WWF, AAK, and Migros, along with the Malaysian Palm Oil Association and Unilever created the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) with missions including monitoring the industry against the destruction of rainforest and ensuring that palm oil businesses shoulder social and environmental responsibilities.


Caring for Elephants


One Move at a Time


Animals often show their fear towards any attempt towards the implementation of medical care. Caring for Lin Wang and Malan has provided zoo keepers invaluable insights into caring for elephants. Because of their massive bodies, it’s difficult to get elephants to follow the veterinarian’s directions. Treating sick elephants can even put workers in harm’s way. While treating Malan’s illness, the zoo learned of the importance of regular training for elephants. These training regimens are not meant for entertainment like in the circus, but are instead to ensure everyone’s safety during medical treatment.


Animal training needs to make use of incremental and consistent rewards, because as intelligent as elephants may be, they can’t directly understand human commands. Using food as a reward when they do the “right” thing, zoo keeper can incrementally guide elephants to take the positions required for medical treatment. For example, elephants need to lie down for examinations, open their mouths for dental checkups, and lift their feet for foot care. Training needs to be conducted every day until elephants can follow the zoo keeper’s commands.

延伸小知識 Extended knowledge


In order to ensure safety of zoo keepers, keeper work in pairs when looking after elephants. One keeper trains the elephant while the other watches. Zoo keepers can’t be easily replaced because elephants can recognize individual humans.


Elephant Gym


Behavioral enrichment is the research and design related to creating stimulations and challenges to match the abilities and habits each individual species in the zoo. Also known as environmental enrichment, this practice includes modification of physical environments to simulate animals’ experiences in the wild. Caring for the welfare of each animal is the goal of every zoo, and allowing zoo visitors to see animals’ natural behavior in a way which reflects actual habits exhibited in natural wilderness environment.
Environmental enrichments for elephants in the zoo include an outdoor sand pool, a water pond and tires placed in their enclosure for elephants to lift and walk on for exercise. Food is placed inside buckets hanging from the ceiling; getting to the food is a game conducted from time to time that’s been designed to stimulate and challenge elephants, and to keep their foraging skills fresh. The prerequisite for behavioral enrichment is that the activity-related facilities need to operate on an irregular schedule to avoid elephants developing routine habits.


Outsmarting an Elephant


Malan’s Shoe


Elephants are highly intelligent; just ask Malan’s keepers. After surgery to treat Malan’s foot in 2000, veterinarians had to apply medications to the elephant’s foot every second day, but Malan wasn’t exactly obedient and would take off the bandages using her trunk. Zoo keeper tried all kinds of techniques to keep the bandages on. They covered the foot with metal plates, they distracted Malan with colorful wires around the wraps, but the intelligent Malan managed to undo the bandages every time. Without pressure from the bandages, stepping on the foot would stretch the wound and cause it to reopen due to her weight. Malan’s foot couldn’t heal properly, and almost at their wit’s end, zoo veterinarian decided to create a custom shoe for Malan.


Two sponsoring shoe companies, A.S.O and Kai Shin, agreed to help with the project. A mold of the elephant’s foot had been made before the surgery that was used by shoe designers. The custom made elephant shoe resembled a cylinder 35cm in diameter which could be opened and removed using laces. The shoe was tough, water resistant, and breathable, with an opening near the toe to examine and treat the wound. Most importantly, Malan never figured out how to take the shoe off!


Openings on the side of the medical footwear allow wounds to be examined more easily.


Due to the enormous body size of Malan, the collaboration of over tens of staff members was necessary to perform the operation.


Oatmeal Balls


A lot of weight rests on an elephant’s feet. Foot health is extremely important for elephants. In order to prevent excessive skin peeling around the feet and to provide micronutrients that regular diets lack, the method adopted by zoo dieticians is to prescribe regular vitamins. But getting elephants to take their vitamins was another battle of wits at the zoo.


Elephants don’t like vitamins, and they can detect them in their foods. Zoo keepers tried to mix vitamins in water and spray them on the elephants’ hay, but the flaw of this method was the inability to know which elephant ate the vitamin-soaked feed. Subsequently, zoo keepers tried concealing vitamins inside of fruits, but the elephants spat themback out. They also tried coating vitamins with sweet foods such as honey, but to no avail either.


The zoo keeper decided to borrow a lesson learned from treating monkeys with diabetes. They cooked oatmeal until it became thick and sticky, added vitamin powder, then heated and stirred the mixture until it became doughy. The mixture was separated and shaped into individual oatmeal balls, which turned out to be a hit! Not only did the elephants love them, their keepers could also easily monitor each elephant’s vitamin intake.


Elephant Wisdom

在英文的諺語中有一句「大象不會忘記(an elephant never forgets)」,英國知名的推理小說家阿嘉莎克莉絲蒂也以此為靈感而寫了小說《大象的證詞》(Elephants Can Remember)。這些都是因為大象一向被認為是很聰明的動物。實際上,也有不少研究都在討論大象是不是真的有很好的記憶力。而根據觀察,大象除了記得哪裡有食物、有水源以外,似乎也真的很會記憶其他的大象、也會記得人,特別是讓自己受傷的人。而牠們之所以會「侵入」人類住的村莊或農地,基本上也是因為那些地方是象群自很久以前就在走的路徑。

As the saying goes, an elephant never forgets. This was perhaps the inspiration for Agatha Christie when she wrote Elephants Can Remember. Elephants are believed to be highly intelligent and possess good memories, with research suggesting that elephants have the ability to remember the location of food and water, foraging routes, and identify and remember other elephants and humans. Elephants can also remember individuals that have caused them harm. Elephants may appear lost when they enter into human territories, but in fact humans are to blame for putting villages and plantations in their regular paths.


Wherever elephants pass, trees may be uprooted or die from having their bark stripped. But this is a healthy process that helps younger trees and plants grow as the jungle rejuvenates.


Everyone Can Make a Difference


Many people have discovered their love for animals at the zoo. Zoos function as destinations for leisure and enjoyment and, more importantly, as centers for education, research, and conservation, helping to reciprocate the zoo’s effort in Ex-Situ conservation and connecting to the respective wildlife’s In-Situ conservation. Zoos are like modern arks. However, no single organization or even city government has enough resources to support zoos’ new missions. There are many animal and plant species besides elephants that are endangered. As a result, partnerships are being established between zoos around the world.


Taipei Zoo has partnered with Japan’s Asahiyama Zoo in a program to save the Borneo elephants. It also has partnered with The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) in its European Endangered Species Programme (EEP). Under a worldwide division-of-labor arrangement, Taipei Zoo has received an African wild donkey for propagation; sent Bao Bao the gorilla to Apenheul Primate Park in the Netherlands as a part of the gorilla conservation plan, and welcomed D’jeeco the gorilla from Poland. These efforts provide these endangered species access to greater genetic diversity through breeding. Taipei Zoo has also partnered with the Behler Chelonian Center in a program to breed the Burmese star tortoise, and with Japan’s Tama Zoological Park to protect the black-faced spoonbill. When it comes to endangered species protection, everyone must play a role.

黑面琵鷺 Black-Faced Spoonbill


Tokyo Tama Zoological Park Cooperative Conservation Programme

緬甸星龜 Burmese Star Tortoise


Programme of Endangered Turtle Conservation and Breeding in the Behler Chelonian Center in the United States

金剛猩猩 Gorilla


EAZA Gorilla EEP, European Endangered Species Programme

婆羅洲矮象 Borneo Elephants


Sabah State Govemment of Malaysia Cooperates with Asahi Zoo in Hokkaido,Japan, Bomeo Elephants Conservation Programme

非洲野驢 African Wild Ass


European Association of Zoos and Aquaria Somali Wild Ass Species Conservation Programme